
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2019

Project: My dream trip to train

Train to Kyoto, Japan My name is Dulce Denisse Canacasco Ortigoza. I am going to talk about my trip to Kyoto for 7 days. It is worth mentioning that my budget was not very high, so I was not in many restaurants nor did I attend all the tours there were. That said let's continue. What means do you use to arrive and how much do you spend? Trip to scale by plane from Mexico City. For a total price of $ 23,398, I clarify this is the total round trip. The trips to Kyoto are only nocturnal mine was at midnight and I arrived the next day almost until dusk. I know, very heavy! What was my total budget? $ 80,000 MXN this in yen equals 465,600 yen. Not counting the flight. Sounds a lot but not really. The prices there are very high, Terrible! Do not visit many places because for obvious reasons the budget was not enough. But the ones I could visit can say that I loved them! I will tell you what they were: Kiyomizu-dera (it is a Buddhist temple), Fushimi Inar