My evidences

My Photo Roster

Hi, my name is Dulce Canacasco. I live in Xochimilco with my sister, my dad and my grandparents. I’m 17 years old, my birthday is March 22th. I'm studying laboratorist  technician at CECyT 15. I love to play basketball, reading and playing the violin. In my spare time I watch anime, read a lot, listen to music or browse social networks. Upon finishing my studies at CECyT 15 I want to go to ESM.

My Best Fried

Edwin Beltrán

Edwin. He is similar to me, he is honest, passionate, trustworty, and he is always direct, kind too responsible. He doesn´t usually get dressed much but he´s got style. It can become very serious, negative and unsociable. He is tall, with black hair, brown eyes, thin and light skinned. I've known him for almost a year and a half, but he's been my best friend for a year. I met him at school. 


1. Go canoeing 
2. Raise money for charty
3. Perform in front people 
4. Do some public speaking 
5. Go on holiday abroad 
6. Visit a world famous world 
7. Go to a classical music concert 
8. Learn archery 
9. Ride in a hot- air ballon 
10. Go surfing 


5:15 Wake up.
6:15 I go to school.
7:00 my classes start.
11:30 My break.
14:00 Leave the school. 
15:15 Arrive to home. 
16:00 Have a lunch.
17:00 Start my homework.
20:00 Have a dinner.
21:00-22:00 Read and listen to music
23:00 or 00:30 Go to sleep.

A short Story

Once upon a time there was a little red hood who lived with her mom, she wore a red hood, a day her mom packed cookies, bread and honey to visited her granny. In the forest saw a big bad wolf, he asked 'Were are you go?' and she told him Im going to visit my granny, the big bad wolf ran ahead to the granny´s house, him knocked the door, the granny asked 'Who is?' and the wolf answered 'I'm little red hood granny' she opened the door but the wolf jumped an ate the granny,after getdressed and got into the bed, after little red hood knocked the door and the big bad wolf opened the door, little red hood asked 'What big eyes do you have granny', 'To see you better little hood', 'What big ears do you have granny?', 'To ear you better', 'What big mouth do you have?', To eat you better!!!' She replied and the big bad wolf jumped out the bed and chased little red hood, she scramed ´HELP,HELP,HELP' a lumber Jack heard an came to the house, the lumber killed the wolf cut open his stomach and the granny jumped out, after lived happying ever. 


  • It´s a piece of cake.
  • Are you kidding me?
  • It´s not yur busines  


1.Set goals that are attainable and realistic.
2. Plan and organize the activities to be carried out.
3. Order and write the activities to perform.
4. Take short breaks every certain hours
5. Avoid having distractors in the work area (cell phones, websites, social networks, video games).
6. Avoid eating unhealthy foods. Exercise constantly and have a balanced diet.
7. Playing sports, going out with friends or family, doing favorite activities will help you relax and avoid stress.


  1. Seven movies of Harry Potter 
  2. Dreamt
  3. J.D. Salinger
  4. Red and white 
  5. Hermes 
  6. Apolo 11
  7. Apple 
  8. 21
  9. Tap
  10. Texas
  11. Jupiter 
  12. Rene Descartes 
  13. Twelve days 
  14. Terryfied for clowns 
  15. New Zelanda 


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